Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth (MARATHWADA-AGRICULTURAL-UNIVERSITY)
Marathwada Agricultural University (MAU) Parbhani is one of the four Agril. universities in state of Maharashtra Established in 1972, on Land grant pattern. Except some industrialization around Aurangabad and Nanded, the entire region has rural setting. The objectives of the University are : Education in agriculture & Allied Sci.,Undertake Research based on regional needs and facilitate Technology transfer etc.
MAU is one of four Agriculture Universities in the State of Maharashtra. Prior to original Maharashtra Agricultural University, it was established on May 18, 1972 to fulfil the regional aspirations of agrarian growth. It is entrusted with the responsibilities to pro- vide education in agriculture and allied fields, undertake research and facilitate technology transfer in Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The first college of Agriculture was established in this region at Parbhani in 1956 by Hyderabad State Government.Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth results are available on as well.
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